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Center for Forensic Medicine

"Taceant colloquia. Effugiat risus. Hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae"

Giovanni Battista Morgagni (Padua, 1682-1771)

"All conversation should cease, laughter should disappear, because this is the place where death delights to help the living"

Examination and expert assessment of

  • Deaths, particular in cases caused by a third party
  • Physical injuries to living people
  • Medical malpractice

Forensic medicine is a science which serves people and the truth.

Forensic scientists are lawyers for victims, both dead and alive. 

3 G - Gewalt, Geschlecht, Gesellschaft

3 G - Gewalt, Geschlecht, Gesellschaft

The seminar provides basic knowledge about the forms and dynamics of violence in different private and professional contexts. The focus is on sexual/sexualised, physical, psychological and economic violence.

The course was awarded the Veronika Fialka Moser Diversity Prize on 13 March 2023 as part of the Medical University of Vienna Day.

The lecture content will be made available in written form shortly after the individual course units.
Course programme and material

Eine von fünf: Institutionelle und häusliche Gewalt

This year's lecture series "Eine von fünf" in the winter semester 2023/24 focused on various forms of violence that can occur in institutional and domestic settings.

The lecture content was kindly provided in written form by the individual speakers.
Course material
Informacje i kontakt w języku polskim dla krewnych, osób dotkniętych chorobą i pogrzebem Informacje i kontakt w języku polskim
Informacije in kontakti v slovenščini za sorodnike, prizadete osebe in pogrebe Informacije in kontakti v slovenščini
Türkçe bilgi ve iletişim akrabalar, etkilenen kişiler ve cenazeler için Türkçe bilgi ve iletişim
Információk és elérhetőségek magyarul hozzátartozók, érintettek és temetések esetében Információk és elérhetőségek magyarul
Information and contact in English for relatives, affected persons, funerals, public prosecutors and police, questions about the cause of death, media enquiries, etc. Information and contact in english