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Partial rigorosum forensic medicine

Examinations are held verbally in GrHS Histo (Schwarzspanierstraße 17, 1090 Vienna, 1st floor).

Exam dates summer term 2025

Registration for any exam is possible up to one week prior to the registration period!

Registration period Exam day
21.01.2025 – 04.02.2025 14.03.2025 (by Ao. med.univ. Andrea Berzlanovich)
18.03.2025 – 01.04.2025 09.05.2025 (by Ao. med.univ. Andrea Berzlanovich)
13.05.2025 – 27.05.2025 04.07.2025 (by Univ.-Prof. Nikolaus Klupp)

Registration period Wednesday to Tuesday!

Therefore, registration deadline: Tuesday at 12:00 pm

Registration for doctoral viva/exams

Registration forms can be dropped in the mailbox in front of the auditorium (access via the courtyard) or sent by email with a valid MedUni Vienna-account to

For data protection reasons, only emails sent from the valid MedUni Vienna account will be accepted.

Cancelling registrations for exams

Cancelling registration is possible until 3 working days prior to the exam via email with a valid MedUni Vienna-account to

Documents required on entering for an examination/doctoral viva

Hochmeister, Grassberger, Stimpfl (2007): Forensische Medizin für Studium und Praxis
Special emphasis: personal injury, legal section (CURSIVE printed text is NOT to be studied).

ATTENTION: Questionnaires circulating on the Internet are NOT VALID!